Thursday 8 September 2016

Dixons Carphone says no noticeable effect of Brexit vote

Dixons has reported no confirmation of a thump to buyer certainty after the UK vote to leave the EU, reverberating industry reviews indicating a vigorous disposition among customers.

The electrical retailer, shaped from a merger of Dixons and Carphone Warehouse in 2014, said income in the three months to the end of July was up 9% contrasted and the same time frame a year ago.

Sebastian James, the CEO, said it was another great quarter for Dixons Carphone. "We are conveying satisfying development in all business sectors and proceeded with large amounts of consumer loyalty, and up to this point, keep on seeing no distinguishable effect of the Brexit vote on shopper conduct in the UK," he said.

It is the most recent proof that UK purchasers have weathered the monetary and political vulnerability made by the Brexit vote.

Retail deals have risen, purchaser certainty has bounced back after an underlying blip, and Britain's greatest housebuilders have reported the same old thing, saying there is minimal indication of an enduring post-choice droop.

In the exchanging redesign for its first quarter, Dixons Carphone reported a 4% expansion in UK and Ireland incomes on a like-for-like premise – stripping out deals in shops open for not exactly a year. The organization runs 455 stores in the UK.

Its business in southern Europe scored up the greatest ascent in like-for-like income, up 13%. Dixons Carphone said the expansion was driven by solid development in Greece.

George Salmon, value examiner at Hargreaves Lansdown, said the retailer remained to profit by item dispatches, for example, the new iPhone.

"The gathering will rub its hands together after Wednesday's dispatch of the iPhone 7, and the presentation of remote earphones opens up a radical new market.

"Dixons Carphone's powerful income development is noteworthy, more so given macroeconomic headwinds in its center UK, Nordic and southern European markets. The gathering's piece of the pie is expanding no matter how you look at it, and a conceivably lucrative venture into the US business sector is simply commencing."

The retailer reported in January that it would close 134 shops this year as it consolidated its residual Currys and PC World shops and added a Carphone Warehouse division to each of the joined stores.

Dixons Carphone said no representatives would lose their employments and staff would be offered positions at a consolidated store close to their present working environment.

As you bump your way down Edinburgh's bustling Royal Mile, the notorious lane of the Scottish capital's amazing Old Town, it's not entirely obvious the typical heart of the city unless you happen to look down.

The heart of Midlothian, a mosaic of cobbles on the ground, denote the passageway of the Old Tolbooth, the previous authoritative focus and infamous correctional facility where detainees were executed up until the nineteenth century. It's additionally an update this is the noteworthy focus of Edinburgh, as well as the country.

Practically around the bend is the Central Library, opened in 1890. Over its angled passageway is the saying: "Let there be light."

Yet, that light is presently in peril, as indicated by campaigners. They are challenging advancement gets ready for a 235-room lodging, eatery, bar and retail space that will assume control over a site at the back of the library, on the Old Town's lower level road, the Cowgate.

Campaigners see the arrangements – which incorporate no extra lodging or group spaces – as additional verification of the over-advancement and gentrification of this a player in the city, as of now swarming with bars, eateries, clubs and inns, which make up an Unesco world legacy site.

The £65m advancement proposition incorporates the memorable group known as India Buildings, which stretch around the bend of interesting Victoria Street, opposite the Grassmarket. Designer Jansons Property contends the plan will draw in a large number of pounds in guest spending and convey new occupations to the zone. It will likewise bring the A-recorded India Buildings themselves over into utilization without precedent for a long time, and also two other recorded structures. "There are numerous positive perspectives to this task," says Colin Smith, executive of Turley, who went about as arranging experts on the venture.

In any case, for local people it will mean the loss of area that was initially handed down to the city as space for a conceivable expansion of the general population library; one which numerous contend is severely required. They guarantee the improvement, which achieves nine stories at its most astounding point, will bring down light levels inside the library by as much as 80%, however engineers say it will be far less.

The improvement will likewise see the conclusion of the Edinburgh Access Practice, a drop-in NHS GP hone for a portion of the city's most minimized groups, including vagrants and those with emotional wellness issues and substance addictions. Despite the fact that arrangements propose another downtown area will be found, those working for and utilizing the practice are questionable about its future. One laborer lets me know the vagrants he works with are "voiceless" here.

In any case, others are attempting to raise their voices as noisily as would be prudent. It's a Saturday in late August, and over the street from the India Buildings, in a stuffed room at the Grassmarket Community Project, campaigners, local people and specialists are accumulated to examine how best to make themselves listened. Despite the fact that arranging consent for the new lodging has been in all actuality, they are attempting to guarantee the comforts stay in the hands of the individuals who ought to profit.

The occasion is a piece of Our Land – a broad celebration running until mid-September to bring issues to light of the requirement for area change. The motivation here is about guaranteeing accessible area is utilized for open great.

"There is a solid feeling among the Old Town people group that there has been over-advancement – there are an excessive number of lodgings," says veteran area reformer and Green MSP Andy Wightman, who is one of the Our Land celebration coordinators. "It feels like this one is the bit of inconvenience that is finally too much to bear."

Simon Byrom, an individual from the nearby group committee who has lived on the edges of the Old Town for a large portion of his life, is one of six individuals outdoors in the site in dissent today. He says the heart of the range is gradually being tore out.

Byrom is the keep going proprietor occupier on his stairwell; others are Airbnb pads, second homes or understudy lets. "We are making a beeline for a spot where we have little in the method for group any more," he says.

Local people recommended that the hole site could have a group focus and cultivate and have even taken a gander at the likelihood of crowdfunding a buyout. "Be that as it may, the committee appears to just listen to business interests, not those of the nearby group," he says.

"That area had been put aside for the Central Library," Byrom clarifies. "The library was particularly worked with the aim of its augmenting. The proverb 'Let there be light' taken advantage of the possibility of the Enlightenment and the thought of the 'benefit of everyone' area; the possibility that you have an open space utilized for the useful for mankind."

In this season of somberness, Edinburgh is yet another vigorously obliged gathering during the time spent resource stripping, he says, driving neighborhood campaigners to discuss the city's "Time of Endarkenment" in sharp difference to its Enlightenment legacy.

Draftsman and kindred Old Town inhabitant Neil Simpson guarantees the offer of openly claimed land has been bungled. He says there was no open meeting about the utilization of the site: "It's property possessed by people in general and there at any rate ought to be some acknowledgment of the requirement for that to figure out what sort of advancement can happen."

As a vast site, Simpson recommends there would have been space for enhancements that would profit everybody. "Under these arrangements there is one client and there could have been a few. It is sufficiently enormous to oblige an inn, lodging, a GP hone and different pleasantries."

Simpson asserts the very outline of the library is debilitated by the proposition. "They will cast a shadow on the library. The twofold stature windows are major to its configuration however this will take that light and perspectives."

An appeal to shield general society land from improvement, which Byrom set up – titled Let there be light in Edinburgh's Old Town – has pulled in 2,609 marks at the season of composing, and more than 5,500 have upheld a vote of no trust in the City of Edinburgh arranging division. Be that as it may, he's thinking that its elusive political sponsorship.

"The committee guaranteed to listen to neighborhood individuals yet their guarantees have been totally sold out," he says. "Basic this is a feeling that we can't get to vote based system. We feel totally underestimated by the procedure."

As per Alessandro Froldi, of the Edinburgh Against Gentrification crusade, the arrangements are profoundly limited. "We comprehend that there won't not be cash quite recently for an augmentation of the library, however auctioning this off rather for a lavish inn is profoundly disempowering for the group. There has been a past filled with division in the city; when you take a gander at the mapping those on lower earnings live outside of it. Yet, it's a great opportunity to manufacture scaffolds and fabricate a downtown area with social differing qualities."

The column has moved past nearby dissent. In February, Mechtild Rössler, chief of legacy at Unesco, kept in touch with the UK government requiring an update of Edinburgh's arranging framework refering to "solid worries" about the pace of improvement.

It was considered seven 12 proposed improvements in downtown area hole destinations – the alleged Edinburgh 12 – were "profoundly stressing", reestablishing expects that its reality legacy status was at danger. The India Buildings improvement was one of those that hailed concern. Talking at the Edinburgh International Culture summit in August, Francesco Bandarin, Unesco's right hand executive general for society, asserted there was an absence.

"It's a significantly more troublesome spot to live now than it ever was then," he says. In spite of the fact that the Old Town has been his home for over four decades, Bradley is considering stopping; he's tired of the absence of luxuries for local people and the way that their needs are not considered in the arranging procedure. Not everybody has this choice, however – those living in social lodging are screwed over thanks to the aggravations, he notes.

In spite of the fact that the Old Town Development Trust is included in some positive strides – including cultivating undertakings to make the group more unmistakable to voyagers – he is a long way from persuaded that it can impact anything of substance. "This city has an exceptionally pessimistic nature to taking individuals' perspectives," Bradley includes.

Edinburgh City Council opposes this idea. In June it ran an open counsel looking for perspectives on advancement in the Old Town alongside data occasions, and has arrangements to be "more inventive" about the way it includes inhabitants. It demands it plays its part in securing Edinburgh's legacy truly.

"It is unavoidable that new advancements will be pulled in to the inside, and this is essential for the city to advance," says councilor Ian Perry. "We are focused on dealing with this procedure precisely and guaranteeing that the best thought is given to its memorable surroundings. Listening to the perspectives of inhabitants in the territory is critical to guarantee the future achievement of the site."

His position is sponsored by the Scottish government, which likewise focuses on that individuals must have a chance to "participate being developed choices that influence them" as a major aspect of the arranging procedure.

"What's to a great degree clear is that if human rights were legitimately installed in strategy then the city ought to be arranged around the necessities of the general population," says Wightman. There have been certain improvements in Scottish arrangement including the presentation of the Community Empowerment Act a year ago, which extends the group right to purchase, making it less difficult for them to assume control open segment area and structures, and means to put group arranging as a statutory commitment. In any case, Wightman is among the individuals who trust the Land Reform Act does not go sufficiently far, and that arranging change is desperately required.

Downtown area groups must be secured, he says. "It must be a typical spot to live. Places that are over-created can get to resemble an outdoors historical center – inauthentic and not intriguing. The general population need to improve requests of the individuals who are speaking to them. Part of the battle back must be to take control of the motivation."

Back in the Cowgate, campaigners are attempting to do only that. "Not another frightful awfulness lodging" read the pennants. The red heart they've drawn – much like a topsy turvy Airbnb logo – has a split drawn down the center. Regardless it holding together, until further notice.

Ranchers could to be paid to keep down surge water under a post-Brexit provincial installments framework, as indicated by previous surges pastor Richard Benyon.

Talking before Thursday's distribution of the administration's report into the reaction to flooding in Cumbria, Lancashire and Yorkshire last December, Benyon anticipated that more assets would be made accessible.

However, he likewise called for all the more long haul measures to handle the issue and said Britain's vote to leave the European Union could accomplish this.

The previous clergyman, who upheld the remain crusade, said: "There is an open door now to totally reconsider country arrangement, and surge assurance can come in as mostly we bolster ranchers and consider cultivating to be doing an open decent when it shields groups from flooding."

Talking on the BBC Radio 4's Today program, Benyon said the EU regular rural strategy of installments to agriculturists was an "extremely limit instrument".

He said: "I need to pay agriculturists for open products. In the event that an agriculturist makes his territory accessible to hold surge water that would somehow or another go into individuals' homes he is conveying an open decent. Furthermore, he can do that by planting trees and taking a gander at something like the surge plain glades association." He likewise refered to a "moderate the stream" conspire that has been appeared to have anticipated flooding at Pickering in North Yorkshire.

Mary Creagh, seat of the natural review board of trustees, said groups undermined by flooding required more prompt help.

She said: "Individuals living in the urban areas of Leeds, and York and Carlisle can hardly wait for a long time or 10 years for this kind of moderate developing [project]. These urban communities need safeguarding now."

She required the administration to commit assets and wanting to flooding like those found in the Netherlands.

Benyon concurred that more cash ought to be spent on handling flooding. He said: "Administrations of each influence must spend bunches of cash on steel and concrete and vast scale assurance. This report is completely key ... to ensure that nearby powers as well as directly down to individual householders are assuming liability for something that will keep on being a danger until further notice and later on."

Surge protection spending was cut forcefully by David Cameron's coalition government however incompletely switched after serious surges in the winters of 2013-14 and 2015-16. In March's financial plan, a £700m support was promised, which means some English urban areas and towns that had been left without arranged surge barriers by the cuts are currently getting the activities. The north of England, crushed by winter surges, is getting at any rate £150m of the new cash, giving better security for a huge number of homes.

The Guardian had uncovered in 2012 that 294 ventures in line for financing were left stranded after the overwhelming cuts and uncovered a progression of spots that were later overflowed.

These included Leeds and Kendal, which were submerged in the previous winter's tempests. Both spots will now get new guards. The new cash is being financed by an expansion in protection premium expense.

The administration had been cautioned by a progression of authority bodies that surge danger was ascending because of deficient spending and was costing billions of pounds in harms. Government researchers have since quite a while ago cautioned that more extreme flooding is the best effect of environmental change in the UK.

Surges as of now causes £1bn of harm each year all things considered yet the dangers will rise yet further as environmental change prompts more serious precipitation, conveying surges to places not as of now in peril. The quantity of family units at noteworthy danger of flooding will dramatically increase to 1.9m by 2050, if the worldwide temperature ascends by 4C.

Fourteen-year-old Rhiannon Doolan's most loved lesson is PE, and she needs to work in game when she's more established. In any case, dissimilar to most youngsters backpedaling to class this week, she is as of now making a full-time showing with regards to: watching over her incapacitated father, Andy.

In their two-bed committee level in Liverpool, Rhiannon keeps things as perfect as possible: she hoovers, mops, does the dishes, and cleans. It's been only both of them for a considerable length of time – "since Rhiannon was in nappies", Andy says – and she has used to doing whatever they require. On the other hand, as Rhiannon puts it discreetly to me, "things my father might want to do however can't."

For Andy, 48, that is a ton. A quarter century, he had a twofold hip substitution and got MRSA in both legs. He's had right around 25 operations since, and he can scarcely walk, then just with bolsters. The supports have brought their own particular issues – joint inflammation in his joints – and he can't fix his arms; he can scarcely move his wrists. "I'm futile without her," he says.

Rhiannon was three years of age when she began nurturing her father. "I'd put his socks and shoes on when I was a little child. Put cream on his legs [as medicine]," she says. By four, she was assisting with shopping, pushing the trolley in the market while her father remained behind with his props. Outside help never came – the gathering went similarly as putting snatch rails close to the can, however no further. As she got greater, and her father's wellbeing deteriorated, Rhiannon went up against additional.

"I do breakfasts," she lets me know. Grain in the week and egg, frankfurter and bacon on toast at the weekend. For "a major dinner" – Rhiannon likes mince and chips best – they cook together. "He battles yet he tries," she says.

To help him with his pharmaceutical, Rhiannon assembles her father's solution and after that gathers it starting from the pharmacy the street from the bequest. Every day, she helps him get dressed and achieve his feet when he washes. There's no shower in the level – only a shower with a shower head – and Andy remains in the shower with Rhiannon hanging over the side. "I'm glad for her," Andy says, delaying. "In any case, she ought to be out playing. She shouldn't need to do any of this."

It's an intense lifestyle, and one that has recently been made much harder. Since before Rhiannon was conceived, it's been Andy's two handicap benefits that have paid the bills: inability living remittance (DLA), and in light of the fact that he's excessively incapacitated, making it impossible to work, insufficiency advantage (IB). Yet, now – as both advantages are abrogated broadly and harder tests put in their place – Rhiannon has needed to look as her father's exclusive backing is being taken away.

The principal hit came last June, when Andy – put through the "fit for work" test – was, in Rhiannon's words, given "no focuses at all". He quickly had his advantage slice to £46 a week. When he could advance against the choice six months after the fact, he and Rhiannon were living off sustenance hampers they had been given by a philanthropy.

Andy wound up taking an arrangement at his December tribunal: he could have his advantage reestablished and predated, as long he acknowledged a lower rate. Else, he would need to sit tight for the new year for any cash. "I wouldn't have had a Christmas," Rhiannon says.

Presently they've had a second hit: in the wake of being tried for DLA's substitution, individual autonomy installments (PIP), last.

Argentina will consider continuing non-stop flights to and from the Falklands Islands and a joint UK-Argentinian investigation of hydrocarbons around the islands, the Argentinian outside priest, Susana Malcorra, has said.

Alan Duncan, the UK Foreign Office clergyman, is expected in Buenos Aires one week from now for reciprocal talks alongside a UK business designation, and the offer recommends Britain's soured relations with Argentina are set for a more positive turn following quite a while of political clash taking after Argentina's attack of the Falklands in 1982.

Duncan will likewise show up at the inaugural Argentina Business and Investment Forum, due to be gone to by more than 40 UK-based business pioneers.

Focusing on that Argentina's case to the Falklands is embedded in its constitution, Malcorra, one of the main possibility to end up the primary female secretary general of the UN in the association's history, advised the Guardian she needed to end the period of showdown.

She additionally communicated certainty that the UK would not see her nationality as motivation to veto her offer to succeed the present UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon.

One of five ladies still in the 10-in number race, Malcorra got warm backing from the Chinese at the G20 in China prior this week, and is presently back in the running in a very capricious race, in the wake of having tumbled from third to fifth spot in the most recent straw survey of security gathering individuals.

Two further straw surveys are normal in a matter of seconds, before a further survey in October, which will uncover whether any changeless security committee part will veto a particular competitor.

Malcorra said she was searching for certainty building measures between the UK and Argentina, and proclaimed an adjustment in talk. "The past organization was extremely fierce, and we don't need that. We both perceive that tackling this issue will require some serious energy. Our case to the Malvinas will be supported, however as a component of the methodology of a decent neighbor.

"We thoroughly consider the long haul an answer can be found however meanwhile we can and ought to be aware, and discover approaches to open up the open doors for certainty building measures. There has been a zero-aggregate methodology, yet we think on the off chance that we sit at the table, and are sure and imaginative there are options."

She included that 80% of Anglo-Argentinian relations were agreeable, and the assignment was to chip away at the staying 20%.

At present just Chile right now has an affirmed air course to the Falklands after the administration of Néstor Kirchner banned contract flights from going through Argentinian air space. Under the past organization the Argentinian congress likewise affirmed a law that punishes organizations that investigate and adventure hydrocarbons without authorisation from Buenos Aires.

Malcorra said joint endeavors between the two nations on hydrocarbons was "a sensible thing to examine and could bode well". She contended her nation may will to lift limitations on air flights from Latin America on the off chance that a portion of the flights went direct to Buenos Aires.

She likewise brought up that an International Red Cross assignment had gone by the Falklands to begin the way toward recognizing the assortments of Argentinian warriors covered on the islands.

Malcorra is in London for a noteworthy gathering on UN peacekeeping, and proposed changes to make the execution of the peacekeepers a great deal more responsible after progressive stories of UN powers sexually misusing or mishandling the populace they have been sent to secure.

She demanded that most UN peacekeepers acted, yet she proposed national governments be required to sign a conservative making them obviously responsible for the activities of their troopers and police. Also, she required an ombudsman liable to the UN general get together and in charge of a yearly open report on the execution of peacekeepers. "It is a name and disgrace approach. At present every arrangement of troops are answering to their own administrator in boss, and the UN can just report around an issue. This needs to change."

With the Chinese warming to her application and the US strong, the greatest hindrance to Malcorra's candidature might be the disposition of the Russians and her status as previous head of staff to Ban Ki-moon.

The Russians on a basic level back a hopeful from eastern Europe, on the premise that it is the area's swing to run the world body, however she is drawing support with her engage get control over the mushrooming UN organization, concentrate on results and convey a remote administration nearer to the general population.

With her involvement in the private division and in addition 10 years at the UN, Malcorra has experience of breaking unreasonable impediments and included: "I have an insider-untouchable point of view. I have the benefit of sufficiently knowing about what necessities to change without being so profoundly imbued in the administration as to be controlled by it."

The possibility of another man being chosen for the post – the current leader is the previous Portuguese PM António Guterres – abandons her exasperated. "Taking a gander at the female hopefuls, it would be a shock to me if the UN chooses that none of them benefits arrangement. It has been 70 years that men have been in charge."

The barrier secretary, Michael Fallon, has said he might want to see guardians given a decision of schools, including linguistic use schools, in all aspects of the nation, after the executive advised backbench Tories she needed to construct "comprehensive sentence structure schools".

Fallon, in whose Sevenoaks electorate in Kent England's first "new" syntax school for a long time was affirmed a year ago, talked on Thursday after Theresa May had guarded an arrival to more particular schools at a meeting of the 1922 Committee of Tory MPs late on Wednesday, to cheers from backbenchers.

"We have as of now got choice, haven't we – it's called 'determination by house cost'," May said, by who went to, stating she needed new specific schools to be "comprehensive" linguistic uses.

The school in Sevenoaks is in fact an annexe to Weald of Kent young ladies' linguistic use school in Sevenoaks, and was at last endorsed after a long fight in court over the current restriction on new language structure schools.

Fallon told BBC Radio 4's Today program the administration "needs to enlarge decision", and said guardians in his voting demographic now had the alternatives of foundations, free schools and punctuation schools. "That is the sort of decision I need to find in all aspects of the nation," he said. "[Everywhere] ought to have a decision, a legitimate decision of good schools. Not a decision that is passing the 11 or more and after that falling flat it and going off to a sink school of the kind that has let our kids down so severely."

Non-scholastic youngsters ought to likewise have "legitimate choices that are similarly remarkable in the sort of training they convey", Fallon said. "We are blessed in Kent we have a language structure educational system … and guardians have a decision."

A string of prominent figures have cautioned about the ramifications of growing particular schools since Wednesday. Addressing the Guardian on Wednesday, Alan Milburn, the administration's social versatility tsar and previous Labor bureau pastor, cautioned finishing the prohibition on language structures gambled making a "us and them isolate".

Milburn said students at England's staying 163 specific state schools were four or five times more inclined to have originated from autonomous private academies than poorer foundations.

"In the event that [more of] that is what is being discussed, it won't give a social portability profit, it will be a social versatility debacle," he said.

On Thursday, the previous representative head administrator Nick Clegg likewise scrutinized the arrangements, saying May had no order for an arrival to determination.

He educated Today: "I know they talked concerning sentence structure schools in their statement. They didn't discuss stretching out determination to free schools etc, which is by all accounts now what they plan to do.

"This is the threat of having another administration with new authority and new needs, not chose by the general population, now foisting their own particular confirmation free biases upon us. There's no confirmation at all that that is the response to huge numbers of the issues in our training framework."

Work's Ed Balls, the previous instruction secretary, said sentence structure schools had prompted lack of concern in a few regions of the nation.

He told Sky News: "We needed to mediate and solicit extremely intense inquiries from schools in Kent and Gloucestershire in light of the fact that the state of mind is: 'We are very brave great language structure schools' however the dominant part of kids are not going to sentence structure schools and in a portion of the optional advanced schools as they were called, the outcomes simply weren't sufficient," he said.

"There wasn't sufficient yearning, there wasn't sufficient great instructing."

Balls said the schools experienced being considered as "second best" with youngsters told at 11 they had not made the cut for specific schools.

"To tell a child at 10 or 11, you're second best, they then need to touch base at that school and the educators have an immense assignment to influence them, you can in any case do well, regardless you have ability, despite everything you have capacity. You shouldn't do that to kids at 10 or 11."

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