Thursday 22 February 2018

Why Justin Trudeau Is Being Snubbed in India

With questions raised over his silence so far ever since Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau s arrival in India on Saturday Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday evening welcomed him on his visit and said that he looked forward to meeting him on Friday. I look forward to meeting PM @JustinTrudeau tomorrow and holding talks on further strengthening India-Canada relations in all spheres Modi tweeted. I hope PM @JustinTrudeau and his family had a very enjoyable stay so far. I particularly look forward to meeting hi — Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) 1519308864000 I appreciate his deep commitment to ties between our two countries he said. In a separate tweet Modi said that he hoped Trudeau had an enjoyable visit to India so far and that he particularly looked forward to meeting Trudeau s three children Xavier Ella-Grace and Hadrien. He also posted a picture of him along with Trudeau and Ella-Grace during his visit to Canada in April 2015. Modi s comments came even as a row broke out about an invitation being extended to convicted Khalistan separatist Jaspal Atwal by the Canadian High Commission here for a reception on Thursday night in honour of the visiting dignitary. The High Commission has since rescinded the invitation and the Indian External Affairs Ministry has said that it is being ascertained how India issued a visa to Atwal. In 1987 Atwal and three others were found guilty of the attempted assassination of a Punjab state minister who was on a visit to Canada the previous year and were sentenced to 20 years in prison. The incident was the latest to happen amid wide speculation of Modi and his government cold-shouldering Trudeau during his eight-day state visit to India that started on February 17. The visiting dignitary and his family have since visited Agra Ahmedabad Mumbai and Amritsar. While Modi did not accompany Trudeau to Ahmedabad a meeting with Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh at Amritsar on Wednesday was organised only at the last moment. Ties between New Delhi and Ottawa have been frosty in recent times as Canada is being seen as offering a platform to separatists demanding an independent Khalistan. The visit of Trudeau who assumed office in November 2015 comes after the visit of Modi to Canada in April that year.
Justin Trudeau India Visit: PM Modi tweeted an image from 2015 of him with PM TrudeauNew Delhi: On the sixth day of his India visit Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is set to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi for bilateral talks today. PM Modi who has earlier broken protocol to receive world leaders on several occasions had not extended the same courtesy to Mr Trudeau in what was seen as a snub over Mr Trudeau s alleged soft stance over Khalistan supporters. In a further diplomatic embarrassment to Mr Trudeau Jaspal Atwal a convicted Khalistani terrorist attended a function in Mumbai where he posed for photographs with Mr Trudeau s wife Sophie and a Canadian minister. Atwal was invited to another function in Delhi as well but after details of his invite emerged his invite was cancelled.PM Modi finally tweeted a welcome to Mr Trudeau yesterday ahead of the bilateral talks which will focus on trade defence civil nuclear co-operation space climate change and education. The talks will also focus on counter-terrorism measures and will try to address India s concerns over Sikh radicalism in Canada.Here are the LIVE updates on the bilateral talks between PM Modi and PM Trudeau:No more content CommentsClose X
Justin Trudeau In India: Canadian PM began his day in national capital with a visit to Jama Masjid (PTI)New Delhi: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who is on a week-long visit to India will spend the day in the national capital today. His schedule for the day began with a visit to the Jama Masjid in Old Delhi. On his visit to Delhi s Modern School cricket ground he along with his children were seen playing cricket. Mr Trudeau delivered a keynote address at the Canada India Business Seminar.Mr Trudeau who is accompanied by wife Sophie Gregoire Trudeau and three children -Ella-Grace Xavier and Hadrien and a delegation of ministers visited Amritsar yesterday. Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh met Justin Trudeau in Amritsar for a one-on-one meeting. Mr Trudeau along with his family also visited the the Golden Temple. Mr Trudeau is to receive a ceremonial welcome tomorrow after which he will meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The two are to make a joint statement later in the day. Here are the live updates of Justin Trudeau s India visit:Feb 22 201816:19 (IST)Canadian PM Justin Trudeau Addresses Business Summit In DelhiCanada and India are countries committed to pursuing and upholding democracy. We are the two largest democracies in the world one by size and one by population.Feb 22 201812:26 (IST)#InPics | Canadian PM @JustinTrudeau at a cricket ground in Delhi with his children. Former cricketers Kapil Dev and Mohammed Azharuddin also join in.Track LIVE updates here: NDTV (@ndtv) February 22 2018Feb 22 201812:16 (IST)The Canadian PM and his son at Moden School cricket ground. Feb 22 201812:11 (IST)Justin Trudeau arrives at Delhi s Modern School and participated in a cricket event Feb 22 201810:17 (IST)Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau began Day 5 of his India visit by visiting Jama Masjid with his wife Sophie Gregoire Trudeau and three children -Ella-Grace Xavier and Hadrien. No more content CommentsClose X
Good morning. Here s what you need to know: Photo Credit Tom Brenner/The New York Times Dueling envoys or Olympic détente?When Kim Jong-un s sister attended the Winter Olympics two weeks ago the South Korean news media called her North Korea s Ivanka. (White House officials recoil at the comparison.)Now the real one is about to arrive. Ms. Trump will attend the closing ceremony at the Games on Sunday and the U.S. is batting back rumors of another attempt at a meeting with North Korea.Leading North Korea s high-level delegation to the closing ceremony is a former spymaster Kim Yong-chol. .page-interactive-embedded margin:0 8px .page-interactive-mobile .story.theme-main .page-interactive-app .story.theme-main .page-interactive-embedded .story.theme-main margin-top:0 .nyt-weather font-family: nyt-franklin Helvetica sans-serif;font-size:11px;line-height:1.4;min-height:110px;padding-top:16px;color:#333;position:relative .mobile .nyt-weather a:hover text-decoration:none .viewport-medium .nyt-weather min-height:80px;font-size:12px .nyt-weather data-status= loading position:relative .nyt-weather data-status= loading :after content: ;display:block;position:absolute;top:50%;left:50%;-webkit-transform:translate(-50% -50%);transform:translate(-50% 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.viewport-medium .nyt-weather .w-tomorrow display:inline-block;width:60%;text-align:right;border-top:none;padding-top:0;margin-top:0;position:absolute;bottom:0;right:0 .viewport-medium .nyt-weather .w-tomorrow .w-high .viewport-medium .nyt-weather .w-tomorrow .w-low font-size:15px #morning-briefing-weather-module.interactive-embedded min-width: 0; max-width: 500px; margin-top: 4px; padding: 0px; #morning-briefing-weather-module.interactive-embedded .interactive-caption display: none; _____ The host with the most.With the Olympic Games nearing an end South Korea is tied with Japan for the most medals won by an Asian nation with 11 and has one more gold. (China has nine medals.) The Paralympics begin March 9. Advertisement Continue reading the main story Arirang a centuries-old Korean folk song is often heard at the Games and has served as a stand-in national anthem as North and South Korea build ties. Continue reading the main story
Amritsar: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau today visited the Partition Museum dedicated to the memory of the partition of India in 1947 at Town Hall in Amritsar along with his ministers and MPs.He was accompanied by his cabinet ministers Harjit Sajjan Navdeep Bains Bardish Chagger Kirsty Duncan and Amarjeet Sohi.The Canadian prime minister was escorted by Mallika Ahluwalia the CEO and Curator of the museum Union minister Hardeep Singh Puri Minister of Local Government Culture and Tourism Navjot Singh Sidhu and Member of Parliament Gurjeet Singh Aujla.Trudeau spent nearly 25 minutes at the museum.He spent some time in the gallery of migration hearing stories and looking at objects carried by people as they fled their homes and moved across the newly-drawn borders at the time of Independence.The Canadian premier paused for a while at the well in the Gallery of Divisions dedicated to the women who were lost at the time of partition.He spent the maximum time in the Gallery of Hope which focuses on love and reconciliation. He left a note on the Tree of Hope writing that the museum is a poignant reminder that dividing people is never the answer; we must learn to live together and love our differences. Curator Ahluwalia said: We are very grateful to Prime Minister Trudeau for visiting the Partition Museum. As Canada has a vibrant Punjabi community the museum is very keen to record and include the stories of Punjabis settled there. Trudeau also shared his thoughts on the Partition Museum saying to think of the lives torn apart the violence and loss... We need to remember that it s always easy to divide people. It s much more difficult but it s the only path to bring people together in love and understanding. We have to be ever vigilant that that is what we are putting into the world and that is the way we are building our future. The Canadian prime minister is in India on a week-long visit. Earlier in the day he paid obeisance at the Golden Temple in Amritsar.The Partition Museum is the world s first museum dedicated to the partition of the Indian sub-continent in 1947. The museum is dedicated to all those millions impacted in the largest migration in human history and is a space of reconciliation. CommentsClose X The museum uses multi-media exhibits including oral histories archival footage historical newspapers official files as well as personal documents and objects carried by individuals and families who lived through the Partition to tell the story.It also aims to become a comprehensive archive on the Partition. The museum opened with a curtain raiser exhibition in Octobber 2016 and opened all its galleries to the public on August 17 2017.

New Delhi: Maya Bijlee And Lakshmi the three jumbo residents at Mathura s elephant conservation centre caught the imagination of Canada s first family on Sunday. The Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau along with his wife and three children were at the sanctuary on their second day of India visit.Prime Minister Trudeau was moved after hearing the story of Maya Bijlee and Laksmi who were tortured before being spotted and brought to the Mathura Wildlife SOS Elephant Conservation and Care Centre in Uttar Pradesh.The elephants part of circus animal crew were used as begging tools by their trainers. Seeing injury marks Mr Trudeau asked the caregivers what happened to the elephants. The caregivers narrated that Maya Bijlee and Lakshmi have been brought from different parts of the country.Maya had lost her vision in one eye during shows at a circus; her trainers used to beat her and force her to perform. She still has deep injury marks on her head. Bijlee who was rescued from Agra also has injury marks on her head. She was reportedly forced to walk for hours for begging and was in a bad shape when brought to the Mathura conservation centre said her caregivers.Lakshmi was brought from Maharashtra where like Bijlee she was forced to walk and used as a begging tool. Lakshmi too has deep injury marks on her head and trunk and was part of a circus earlier. CommentsClose X Mr Trudeau and his family spent around 50 minutes at the Mathura elephant care centre. The conservation team spoke to Mr Trudeau about the need to create awareness about the plight of Asian elephants. It is a great honour for Wildlife SOS to have the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sparing his valuable time to see our efforts to protect elephants in collaboration with Forest Department. Our goal is to help conserve and protect elephants said Mr Satyanarayan one of the founders of the centre. Since the elephant care centre does not not attract too many tourists he hoped Mr Trudeau s visit will encourage people to visit the gentle jumbos.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his family visit the Taj Mahal.Agra: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who arrived in India last evening on a week-long visit is traveling to Agra today to visit the Taj Mahal. Prime Minister Trudeau who is accompanied by his wife and three children left for Agra from Delhi at 9:00 am. He will be visiting the Taj Mahal at around 10:45 am following which the Canadian prime minister will return to Delhi by 3:30 pm. Justin Trudeau who is in India till February 25 will meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi on February 23. The objective of Prime Minister Trudeau s visit to India is to expand overall ties between the two countries with a focus on defence and security counter-terror cooperation trade and investment and tackling climate change. Both countries are also expected to deliberate on enhancing cooperation in the civil nuclear sector. A number of Justin Trudeau s cabinet colleagues including Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland Science and Economic Development Minister Navdeep Bains Defence Minister Harjit Singh Sajjan Science and Sports Minister Kirsty Duncan and Infrastructure Minister Amarjeet Sohi are also visiting India. The ties between India and Canada have been rising steadily. Approximately 1.4 million Canadians are of Indian origin and India is Canada s second largest source of immigrants. Here are the Highlights of Canadian PM Justin Trudeau s visit to the Taj Mahal today: Feb 18 201818:44 (IST)Photos: Justin Trudeau Kicks Off India Tour With Family Visit To The Taj Mahal Photo Photo Gallery - Exclusive Photos collection brings you the latest news photos news pictures of your favourite celebrities the hottest Models photos Movie Stars images Film Stars photos top Cricketers photos pictures and the first pictures from breaking news. Feb 18 201814:44 (IST) On February 20 he will visit Mumbai where he will hold meetings with top business leaders and meet representatives of Indian Film industry to explore various opportunities in the field of cinema. On February 21 the Canadian PM will travel to Amritsar where he will visit the Golden Temple. He will return to Delhi the same day. The Canadian PM is scheduled to visit Jama Masjid and a cricket ground in the national capital on February 22 besides delivering a lecture at a gathering of Canadian and Indian business leaders. He will then hold wide-ranging talks with Prime Minister Modi on February 23. The next day he is scheduled to address a conference of young change-makers before wrapping up his visit.Feb 18 201814:40 (IST) Besides his engagements in Delhi Prime Minister Trudeau will visit Agra Ahmedabad Mumbai and Amritsar. Officials said Jutin Trudeau s his visit to Gujarat will be the first by a Canadian prime minister. Feb 18 201814:36 (IST) This will be an opportunity for the prime minister to promote Canada-India cooperation on a range of issues and highlight Canada s support for a strong united diverse India and to further strengthen the vibrant strategic partnership said a Canadian diplomatic source.Feb 18 201814:36 (IST) In 2017 the two-way merchandise trade between Canada and India amounted to 8.4 billion split equally between exports to and imports from India ( 4 billion each).Feb 18 201814:35 (IST) The negotiators of both the countries met last week to overcome the hurdles in finalising the pact the sources said adding Canadian investments in India were around 15 billion in the last couple of years and a free trade pact will further encourage investors from that country.Feb 18 201814:33 (IST) On trade the sources said Canadian investments in India were likely to decline in absence of a mechanism to protect them and Prime Minister Trudeau and PM Modi may deliberate during their talks on February 23 on making forward movement in firming up the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between the two countries.Feb 18 201814:32 (IST) Ahead of Justin Trudeau s visit to India the national security advisers of India and Canada met in Delhi. The Canadian prime minister s visit is aimed at further boosting strategic ties with a focus on defence and counter-terror cooperation. The two NSAs prepared the ground for Justin Trudeau and Prime Minister Modi to intensify defence and security cooperation. India s concerns over rising Sikh radicalism in Canada are understood to have figured in the meeting held a couple days ago Canadian diplomatic sources indicated according to news agency PTI.Feb 18 201813:18 (IST)For me to be able to be here on an official trip while bringing my kids with me to share this is really special and being able to enjoy this as a dad with my kids is really nice: Canadian Prime Minister #JustinTrudeau on his Taj Mahal visit ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) February 18 2018Feb 18 201813:17 (IST)Message by Canadian Prime Minister #JustinTrudeau in the visitor s book at Taj Mahal in Agra ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) February 18 2018Feb 18 201813:16 (IST) Justin Trudeau writes in the visitors book at the Taj MahalFeb 18 201813:02 (IST) Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with wife Sophie Gregoire Trudeau and children visit the Taj Mahal in AgraFeb 18 201812:49 (IST) Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his family at the Taj Mahal in AgraFeb 18 201812:47 (IST)#WATCH: PM of Canada #JustinTrudeau along with his wife Sophie Gregoire Trudeau and children Xavier Ella-Grace & Hadrien at Taj Mahal in Agra. ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) February 18 2018Feb 18 201812:35 (IST) Ahead of the visit Mr Trudeau tweeted Wheels up for India and a busy visit attaching a photograph of his wife and three children boarding the aircraft.Wheels up for India and a busy visit focused on creating good jobs and strengthening the deep connection between the people of our two countries. Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) February 16 2018Feb 18 201812:35 (IST) The cultural component of the visit is seen as an outreach to estimated 1.4 million people of Indian origin settled in Canada. India is Canada s second-largest source of immigrants.Feb 18 201812:34 (IST) Mr Trudeau s agenda is also expected to include a visit to the Golden Temple in Amritsar and Delhi s Jama Masjid and a cricket ground.Feb 18 201812:34 (IST) In 2017 two-way merchandise trade between Canada and India amounted to 8.4 billion split equally between exports to and imports from India. India was Canada s eighth largest destination for merchandise exports.Feb 18 201812:33 (IST) Counter-terror cooperation is also expected to be a key focus area. India s concerns over Sikh radicalism in Canada is understood to have figured in the meeting between the National Security Advisers of the two nations held a few days ago.Feb 18 201812:33 (IST) His bilateral meeting with PM Modi is scheduled for February 23 during which the two leaders are expected to focus on trade defense civil nuclear cooperation space tackling climate change energy and education.Feb 18 201812:33 (IST) Over the rest of the week Mr Trudeau will participate in business round-tables in Mumbai to promote trade investment and job creation. He will also meet representatives of Indian Film industry to explore opportunities in the field of cinema.Feb 18 201812:32 (IST) Tomorrow Mr Trudeau who is on his first state visit to India will fly to PM Modi s home state Gujarat. Besides a visit to Mahatma Gandhi s Sabarmati Ashram he will also visit the Akshardham Temple in Gujarat and lead a discussion at the Indian Institute of Management on Education and Investment Opportunities with students.Feb 18 201812:31 (IST) Mr Trudeau is accompanied by his wife Sophie Gregoire Trudeau and children Hadrien Ella-Grace Margaret and Xavier James Trudeau. At the airport the family posed for cameras with folded hands in the signature Indian greeting of Namaste.Strategic partnership underpinned by shared values of democracy and pluralism! Namaste to the Right Honorable @JustinTrudeau Prime Minister of Canada as he arrives on the State visit to India from 17-24 February 2018. Raveesh Kumar (@MEAIndia) February 17 2018Feb 18 201812:31 (IST) Yesterday Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was welcomed at the Indira Gandhi International Airport by Minister of State for Agriculture Gajendra Singh and Indian Ambassador to Canada Vikas Swarup.A high point for the High Commissioner to receive the Prime Minister of Canada on Indian soil. Aparna and I were delighted to welcome Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau at AFS Palam Vikas Swarup (@VikasSwarup) February 17 2018Feb 18 201812:30 (IST) The 46-year-old Canadian prime minister who once remarked that he had more Sikhs in his cabinet than PM Narendra Modi is accompanied by a chunk of his cabinet ministers. This trip he said was focused on creating jobs and strengthening the deep connection between the people of the two nations.Feb 18 201812:29 (IST) Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his family have reached Agra for a visit to the iconic Taj Mahal. The Trudeaus landed in Delhi last evening on a week-long visit to India that s expected to deepen ties as much with New Delhi as with Indians in Canada.No more content CommentsClose X

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